I'm a graduate of the US Air Force Academy. The ideas behind the changes at the University of Florida need to be applied to our service academies, all of which are now thoroughly "woke." Top military leaders have no idea how deeply Marxist-inspired philosophy has corrupted Academia. The DoD could start by replacing the mostly civilian faculty at the service academies with active duty or retired officers with strong academic credentials and high moral character.

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I am a USNA graduate. Last fall, when I went back for my 55th, we were addressed by the Superintendent, Admiral Buck. I am confident that he will do all he can to avoid "wokeness", short of disobeying direct orders. So far, I think he is succeeding.

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The sad thing is the Pentagon is thoroughly aware. the are behind the woke effort at the military academies.

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Our "elite" universities are fully demoralized. UATX is too important to fail. Keep up the fearless pursuit of truth and fire all the Maoist DEI commissars! https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/howtogetintoharvard

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Fully concur in your thought process. Has any thought been given to offering the course as a digital block? I am a disabled vet and am unable to attend either the UF or UT courses in person, but am really excited by the course's concepts

COL(R) Tom Hill

UT '68 and current Florida resident

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