It's easy to criticize your critics. How about a piece that focusses on what specifically you do and what you have accomplished?

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I guess you didn't read the NY Post article.

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Your guess is wrong. Most of the article discusses how wrong your critics are. Mixed in are occassional claims about how successful you have been. It was not easy to find those parts, and those parts were not presented as a coherent plan for deailing with homelessness.

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This piece outlines steps that can be taken to reduce homelessness. Joe quite correctly points to various organizations that actually profit from homelessness-- they will not support measures that actually reduce the problem. True also for other social problems-- but let's start here, with homelessness. Thanks, Joe, for moving these approaches forward.

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Many willing hands reach out when governments provide money. There is little or no supervision. I suggest that you limit the income from all sources to the minimum wage for those whom find it in their hearts to help. I'm tired of hearing that CEO's of charities make hundreds of thousands of dollars. It's obscene. Make failure to comply a felony; that'll keep them somewhat honest.

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