First, if any of these small minded leftist dweebs bothered to watch Bjorn’s congressional testimony, he started with a belief in man-made global warming……his testimony was after Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth congressional testimony. BTW, every Democrat left the room before Bjorn spoke (close minded, totalitarians, dems are more comfortable with a dictator, God forbid people have freedom).

Bjorn has stated for at least 20 years we aren’t helping civilization, especially the poorest among us with wasteful climate policies based on “fanatical, religious like fervor which worships global government)……we can do more good, for the most needy and incrementally improve man made impacts on Earth.

Unfortunately we have far too many so-called educated people herding behind dictators “wrapped” in “mob rule, virtue signally, media induced western dictatorships”……all funded and supported by China and global elites (e.g. Soros, etc)

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Speaking of virtue signaling ...

We don't, anymore, think of virtue being part of the conservative makeup but if you can forgive the literal, using Bjorn Lomborg, for anything, is virtue signaling the right wing nut jobs.

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Care to explain why you think so?

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Mr Lomborg has been a climate denialist for the whole of his career. Also he is an apologist for the industrial human journey in as much as the claim that we humans have all these modern health, education, technological and social benefits so how we got them and what we are doing with them is just fine.

So, conservatives of every stripe are just fine with the status quo vis-a-vis the environment and deny pretty much the whole canon of environmental and climate science. This seems to be the audience he's playing to.

From a RWNJ POV, he's virtue signaling.

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And yet George K. above states that he stated that he believed in man made climate change in a congressional testimony. Do you dispute this? Have you a link to where he denies man-made climate change?

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He actually states in the video that "climate is one of the many things we need to fix". Has he changed his mind? Can you show where he previously made a contrary statement?

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Climate change happens, has happened for all of history. Man-made climate change is a myth. There is no metric by which to measure how man can possibly change the climate, good, bad or otherwise. Our attention should solidly be on improving the (historically brief) human experience on Earth.

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Sounds like you have a good handle on the 'science' Ron.

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Thank you for responding and presenting your perception about Lømborg’s POV and your interpretation of his intentions.

What is RWNJ, please?

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